
Monday 6 April 2015

Why some people are left-handed and others right-handed?

ans 1

It's normal genetic variation. From an evolutionary perspective, there has been advantages in having some left-handed people around. In sports and ancient combat (using swords and shields, for example), there is an advantage in experience in favor of left-handed people. In other words, left handed solders are used to fighting right-handed opponents, whereas right handed soldiers might not be experienced at the specific techniques needed to fight a left handed opponent.

You see that to some extent in left-handed pitchers having some success against right-handed batters in sports. At times, a left-handed boxer can have certain advantages against someone not used to fighting against a left-handed opponent.

Furthermore, there seems to be an advantage in integrating information. There have been more left-handed leaders out of proportion to their distribution among the population. Some people have speculated that left-handers are slightly better at integrating the "left brain" and "right brain" functions. Some left-handers are ambidextrous, and some say it might lead to more creativity.

Years ago, some people say left-handers tend to have a slight learning disability. Nowadays, educators say the results were skewed due to the left-handed students being forced to write with their non-dominant hand and causing learning difficulties as a result.

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