
Monday, 6 April 2015

How to improve look of skin?

Drink plenty of water to give your skin a healthy glow
•have a balanced diet that gives your skin all the key nutrients it needs (avocado and pink grapefruit will do wonders for your skin!) Sweets and lots of fatty food will only make your skin spotty and unhealthy.
•don't stay in the sun too long because of sunburn, but make sure you actually get some sun because Vitamin D is important for skin (but wear suntan lotion)
•sleep is required for healthy skin too. 8 hours of slumber is essential.
•finally don't forget to have a shower/bath every two days to get rid of all those dead skin cells and bacteria clogging your pores. DON'T shower with hot water, from personal experience it makes your skin itchy, dry, and peel off. Also use exfoliating body scrubs to clean out the dirt from your pores and I personally recommend Dove body wash because it makes your skin sooo soft :3 x

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